Page 73 - EMBRACE Book
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Gina, Philippines Photo: © 2019 ADRA | Frank Spangler
“I am this elementary school’s nutrition coordinator. We garden, explore, and practice using the tools.
began a crop museum here and part of it is used as a feeding
program for the kids in school. None of the teachers or students knew the vegetables that
were introduced in the garden. They were all very happy
The purpose of the crop museum is to distribute seeds and when the garden began. They came to know indigenous
planting materials from those grown in the school garden. fruits and vegetables. The kids are understanding where
The second purpose of the crop museum is to supply a food comes from. The students are also learning about seed
school-based feeding program for the students. 50% percent saving and preserving.
of the harvest goes to seed saving and 50% goes to the
feeding program. We will continue the garden even after the project ends. It’s
been a big help for the community and for the school. We
Students in grades four to six help in the garden. They have have a source of seeds and planting materials for nutritious
agriculture classes and the crop museum gives them the vegetables, and it helps with the feeding program. In
opportunity to put what they learn into practice. They can addition, teachers and community members alike have
identify the tools and the plants, immerse themselves in the received some its produce.”
Photo: © 2019 ADRA | Frank Spangler