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                                                                                           Mbaboneye, Rwanda                                                                                 Lyn, Philippines

                                                                                           “I am so happy to have received a cow from EMBRACE. I am
                                                                                           enjoying many things from the cow. Manure, milk, even the                                        “There were many things that EMBRACE taught
                                                                                           urine. I use the manure for my kitchen garden. I give the                                        that went against our traditional knowledge, but
                                                                                           milk to my children. They have really benefited from a                                           the group has been very accepting of the new
                                                                                           more balanced diet. I am growing so many vegetables now,                                         ideas. They know that the information is backed
                                                                                           I try to give them to the neighbours and invite them to                                          by modern science and research and so we have
                                                                                           come any time they need vegetables. The urine I use as a                                         put our trust in that, even though it goes against
                                                                                           pest management and also protecting the leaves of the                                            the teachings of our mothers and grandmothers.
                                                                                                                                                                                            For instance, we learned that once a baby is born,
                                                                                           Our cow gave birth to a male calf. In six months, we will                                        baby must breastfeed right away. The first milk
                                                                                           pass the cow on to the next family. I plan to sell our male                                      that comes, the colostrum, is very important for
                                                                                           calf and buy a female cow.                                                                       baby to receive to help them get a good start
                                                                                                                                                                                            nutritionally and to help prevent sickness. We
                                                                                           Glory to God for bringing EMBRACE and ADRA to this area.                                         never knew this before. Our traditional
                                                                                           Only God is able to give them what will be good for them. I                                      knowledge said that this milk was not good for
                                                                                           wish many blessings to ADRA and the Canadian people.”                                            the baby, that it was dirty, and so we would not
                                                                                                                                                                                            give this first milk to our babies. Now we know
                                                                                                                                                                                            better! We also learned that breastfeeding should
                                                                                                                                                                                            be exclusive for the first six months.”

                                                                  Photo: © 2019 ADRA | Frank Spangler                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Photo: © 2019 ADRA | Frank Spangler
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