Gratitude, ADRA Canada

This Thanksgiving, be a Lifeline

For Families Facing Extreme Hunger

Right now, men, women and children are starving in Yemen. But exceptionally generous donors like yourself can make a tremendous impact this fall. With your support, we can equip a local partner in Yemen with life-saving food baskets for an ENTIRE community in need. Please help us raise $50,000 today, so everyone can put food on the table in time for Thanksgiving!

Other ways to donate

Par téléphone: Please call 1-888-274-ADRA (2372)

Par mail: Please make cheques payable to ‘ADRA Canada’ and send it to 20 Robert St. W. Newcastle, ON, L1B 1C6, Canada

Gratitude, ADRA Canada
Gratitude, ADRA Canada
20, rue Roberts Ouest Newcastle,
ON L1B 1C6 Canada
ADRA Canada | Enregistrement d'un organisme de bienfaisance canadien #13205 6813 RR0001 | (C)2023 | Confidentialité et sécurité | termes et conditions | Signaler un problème