Page 157 - EMBRACE Book
P. 157
Yu Khine, Myanmar
“I learned from the Learning Through Play program that I
have to give opportunities to children. Before, I would
scold my child for playing. But now, I realize that this is
how they learn, through playing. I need to be patient and
encourage them. I buy them toys and coloured pencils now.
I show them how to play and how to draw, etc.
The Learning Through Play method is very useful for my
children because now that they are getting the
opportunities to play freely, they will have self-confidence.”
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Angeline, Philippines Photo: © 2019 ADRA | Frank Spangler
“EMBRACE taught us about how husband and wife can share house and spending time with the baby. About the only thing
roles in the family. Everything that used to be considered my that I can’t do is go out to the ocean and fish. I am afraid of
job is something that my husband can also do to help me. the ocean. I leave that to my husband! This has really helped
Anything that he used to do is something that I can also do. our marriage relationship. As we work together we have a
Men and women are equal. And we have put that into lot more time to bond and build our friendship.”
practice in our home and it is working very well. I really
appreciate the way my husband is helping more around the
Photo: © 2019 ADRA | Frank Spangler