Page 169 - EMBRACE Book
P. 169

Mobile Theatre Project

 The EMBRACE project in the Philippines addressed teen  Carmina Canya, the Guidance Coordinator at Bitaogan
 reproductive health awareness through a mobile theatre  National High School, felt that the mobile theatre was very
 project. It aimed to teach youth the importance of taking  helpful. “The presentation from ADRA showed a lot of
 charge of their reproductive health and rights.  entertaining ‘scenes.’ More importantly, it discussed
 ‘sensitive’ topics regarding sexuality, such as that the
 Alyza Joy Frivaldo, an ADRA MCH Field Officer, explained the  readiness of young girls and boys is important because
 main objective of the mobile theatre. “We wanted to show  wrong choices may lead to early pregnancy. Early marriage
 something that would trigger the minds of the audience, that  is very common, especially in remote areas because the
 would make them contemplate that this is reality, that these  youth lack knowledge about reproductive health. It creates
 things are happening now and we need to talk about it.”  more impact to the students, especially when the actors
 deliver humourous lines.”
 Abner Orgaya, the School Head of Federico P. Condat
 National High School, one of the schools visited by the mobile  One of the actors described the play. “A lot of lessons can be
 theatre, agreed. “We no longer have to keep these things a  learned from the play. The theme of the play is based on
 secret from the students. It’s better to have an open  current issues. Teenage pregnancy, childcare starting from
 discussion.”  the womb until they grow. They should watch and realize,

                                                                                                                                          Photo: © 2019 ADRA | Frank Spangler
               ‘Oh, this is what we should do,’ or ‘This is what could                   The play was well-received by the students. One female
               happen.’”                                                                 student said, “I loved it because it was my first time to see
                                                                                         this kind of play. But I liked it more because it teaches us
               “This play was created to inform the youth about sex                      youth about sexuality and how to take care of our bodies.”
               education and how to prevent teenage pregnancy,” further
               explained an actor. “Acting in the theatre is more effective              One male student summed up, “Premarital sex won’t help
               because it catches the people’s attention and they retain the             you in life.”
 168           information more as opposed to seminars, which tend to be                 Another female student concluded, “We shouldn’t make                        169
               boring. We decided to do a play so it would be more
               entertaining.”                                                            hasty decisions when it comes to love so we won’t regret it in
                                                                                         the end.”
               Another actor shared, “The play just showed bits because the
               topic (on Reproductive Health) is very broad. But it was                  “Thank you very much, ADRA, for visiting our school,” said
               contextualized in the lives of high school students, who are              Carmina Canya. “We hope you don’t get tired of visiting other
               naturally curious about these things. The students can relate             schools so more students will learn and be more informed
               to the characters because they can identify similar                       about this sensitive topic – Reproductive Health and Gender
               personalities among their classmates and friends.”                        Issues. Thank you very much!”

 Photo: © 2019 ADRA | Frank Spangler
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