Page 21 - EMBRACE Book
P. 21

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 Boniface, Rwanda  Photo: © 2017 ADRA | Frank Spangler  Mary Ann, Philippines                                                             Photo: © 2019 ADRA | Frank Spangler

 “Before I became an ambulance driver I used to drive trucks.  people to the hospital with different emergencies. Many of  “We live in a very remote village. The closest village with a  I was shy to stay there because there are other pregnant
 But now, after going through a training program, I am  them have been women in labour who were having  market takes one and a half hours to walk to. When we run  women there. But I was very happy, too. It’s very cozy, and I
 working for the district driving the ambulance.  complications. One of them gave birth in the ambulance on  out of rice or other supplies, we have to walk there. So for  was very comfortable. My husband and mom stayed with
 the way to the hospital. The nurse that was going with us had  pregnant women, it was really, really hard to get to a health  me. There was even a supply of food for the pregnant
 Before ADRA donated the ambulance for this district, people  me stop and she delivered the baby right there in the back of  facility when they were in labour. Women just gave birth at  women. Even though there was a kitchen, we didn’t have to
 had to rely on old, traditional methods of carrying people  the truck. She did it herself. As a driver, I don’t get involved  home.  cook anything because there was enough food.
 down the mountainside on a stretcher. It was either that way  in that kind of thing!
 or they had to wait for a very long time for an ambulance to  Now ADRA has built a ‘halfway house,’ a place where  I’m very thankful for the ‘halfway house’ and I know that
 come from another district, if one was available. So now,  This ambulance has been such a wonderful gift to our  pregnant women can stay close to their due date. It’s close to  others are thankful, too. There are no longer any worries.”
 with the new ambulance right here, people are very happy  community. This is something that we have needed for a very  the health facility and that way they can deliver in better
 knowing that if there is any kind of health emergency, we  long time. This really brings up our life here. This ambulance  conditions than at home. It’s really good to have this ‘halfway
 will be able to take them very quickly to the nearest hospital.  is for the whole community. No one is going to have a  house.’
 problem while this is parked here. Everyone here is so
 The way we have this set up is I share the driving with one  thankful to the people of Canada who have shaken hands
 other driver. I am on duty for a full week and then the other  with the government of Rwanda and given us this
 driver is on for one week. The ambulance was delivered less  ambulance. You have really met a great need here.”
 than two months ago now. Since then, I have driven 23
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