Page 119 - EMBRACE Book
P. 119

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 Photo: © 2019 ADRA | Frank Spangler
 Minerva, Philippines

 “When EMBRACE began in our village, I wanted to learn  When ADRA came here, I was motivated to give more help to
 everything. I reached out to other women to encourage them  the village members. I learned everything so that I could
 to join, as well. I knew some of them were too shy to attend,  share everything. The village members are very thankful for
 or they were too busy to see the full importance of the  my efforts because I trained them in permaculture, savings
 project. I thought that the project would be a big help for our  and loans, and all the EMBRACE activities. Everyone got to
 village and our mothers. Some of the mothers refused to join,  know me and were impressed by what I did in this village.
 but over time they changed their minds. Now they’re  That’s why I was encouraged to run as village counselor. I
 EMBRACE participants, as well.  was voted in, even though I don’t have any family members
 in this village besides my husband. I’m the chairman for the
 I became a permaculture champion. That means I was  budget and finance department of the village. Everything
 trained directly by EMBRACE so that I could return to my  will be transparent to the villagers now. The other counselors
 village and train the EMBRACE participants there.  are very confident in me because of the experience I
 received working with EMBRACE.
 I’m also the chairperson of the savings and loans group. I
 chose five of my group members to help me conduct home  I’m very thankful for what ADRA has brought to this village.
 visits on all our members, and especially for the pregnant  It’s a whole package. We’ve learned a lot that equips us for
 women. I wanted to keep track and monitor the situation of  our lives, for the whole community. We are all very thankful
 my group members, so I could encourage them.  to ADRA for EMBRACE and what it has done in our village.”

                                                                                                                                          Photo: © 2019 ADRA | Frank Spangler
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