Page 122 - EMBRACE Book
P. 122

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                                                                                                                                          Photo: © 2019 ADRA | Frank Spangler                                                                                                                                          Photo: © 2019 ADRA | Frank Spangler
                Bet, Cambodia                                                                                                                                                              Christine, Rwanda

                “I have learned a lot of things at the ADRA group. They call it          I am very happy that the ADRA program has come to our                                              “When I was 19 years old, I became pregnant. I had to drop                There are other youth in the group like me who got pregnant.
               a Reflect Circle group. I think it is a good name because all of          village. It doesn’t matter how busy I am, whenever the group                                       out of school. I was only in secondary school. That was four              We exchange our experiences and give advice and
               us who have joined have had a chance to reflect on our lives              is meeting I drop everything and join the group. I believe                                         years ago.                                                                counselling to each other and receive it from the group
               and what we can do to change things for the better.                       that the Reflect Circle has helped all of us to get to know each                                                                                                             leaders. I’ve slowly become more involved with the youth
                                                                                         other better and has given us a chance to encourage each                                           I’ve joined the EMBRACE youth club. I get advice and support              and the community again. I feel more comfortable to go out
               Before joining the program my baby girl was pale and skinny               other to be better mothers.”                                                                       there, and I feel more supported. I have ideas on how I can               into the community with my baby. I even bring her to the
               and not very active. She used to get sick a lot. Since I started                                                                                                             better support myself and my child. Now I’m selling things in             club meetings.
               applying what I learned in the group, she has gained weight                                                                                                                  the market as a way to earn some money and to not be alone.
               and is now brighter and happier! She hardly ever gets sick                                                                                                                   The youth group is also a savings and loans group. It’s where             In cooperation with the youth club, I try to reach out to and
               anymore!                                                                                                                                                                     I got the capital I needed to start my own business.                      educate other mothers. I sing with the group that goes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      around doing sensitizations for the youth.”
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