Page 148 - EMBRACE Book
P. 148

Photo: © 2019 ADRA | Frank Spangler
                Pascal, Rwanda

    148        “When EMBRACE came here, my wife decided to join. When                    and I started to help my wife at home. When she is not at                                                                                                                                                                                                149
               she started putting into practice the things that she was
                                                                                         home, I can stay with the kids and cook for the family. She
               learning, I saw many benefits. She encouraged me to also                  can be confident that if I’m at home, everything’s ok. When
               join a group. I asked her if there were any other men in the              she comes back and sees that all the work at home is in good
               groups. She said there were. Finally, after three months, I               order, she is very happy and she thanks me.
               decided to join a group. I thought, ‘We are one family. If my
               wife goes to a group and shares the benefits with the family,             Some men tease me, but I don’t pay any attention to them. I
               then I need to go, too, and share more benefits with our                  know what I want for my family. I saw the importance of
               family.’                                                                  supporting my wife and my family. Even if there are men
                                                                                         who tease me by saying that I’m doing women’s work, it
               After I joined the group, it no longer mattered to me whether             doesn’t matter. It’s more important to me to work and be
               there were other men or not. I found an interest in going                 with my wife. Our relationship has changed. It has improved
               regardless. Even if there were no other men, I’d still go to the          a lot. We complete each other. We are together. We are a
               groups.                                                                   strong family.

               The ideas of gender equality and gender equity were new to                I am what they call a Male Champion. My role is to try to
               me. After the trainings, I made the decision to change                    sensitize other men to gender and family issues and to
               because I saw that there were many benefits from                          encourage them to change. Now more men have made the
               understanding gender-related activities at the family level.              decision to change and they have joined the EMBRACE
               Before EMBRACE, my wife used to work hard at the family                   groups. There is a positive impact at the village level as these
               level and I was somehow too tired to help her. Through the                men improve their way of thinking and their family’s
               trainings, however, I saw that it was difficult for her to work           welfare.”
               alone at the family level. So I changed my way of thinking

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Photo: © 2019 ADRA | Frank Spangler
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