Page 143 - EMBRACE Book
P. 143

Owen, Rwanda

                         “I went to school up to secondary level. But I                 I later decided to go to the club but with the purpose
                         dropped out before finishing. After I dropped out, I           of fighting their ideas and what they were sharing.
                         started taking drugs and participating in other risky          However, when I attended and heard what they
                         behaviours. I got my then girlfriend, who was under            were discussing, I was impressed. I started
                         age at the time, pregnant. I was afraid that if people         attending their meetings regularly.
                         in the community found out, they would take me to
                         the police, so I ran away to Kigali.                           At the club, I learned about being responsible for
                                                                                        my body. Before, I use to think it was not necessary
                         When I arrived in Kigali, life didn’t go the way I             to protect myself. I learned about the consequences
                         expected it. So I began taking more drugs. I was               of not using protection and of the effects that
                         almost arrested once, but the police believed my lies          engaging in intercourse at an early age have on
                         and released me. I returned home soon after that.              your body, especially for young ladies. This
                                                                                        information greatly inspired me to change as I could
                         At home I was desperate and depressed. I was no                relate to everything that I learned.
                         longer interested in my friends and didn’t talk to
                         anyone. My friends were finishing secondary school.            During the first weeks of attending the club’s
                         I felt jealous of them and isolated myself even                meeting, the members were wary about my
                         further. My ex-girlfriend gave birth to a healthy boy,         presence because they knew that I had ulterior
                         but I didn’t give her any support. When the Club for           motives for attending. However, after seeing the
                         Prevention of Unwanted Pregnancies started in our              changes in my attitude they started including me in
                         community, she began attending. I wasn’t                       group activities. I was able to receive a loan from
                         interested.                                                    the club to begin a small business.

                         As my depression continued, I spent all my time                I was still struggling with my drug problem but
                         sleeping at my parents’ home.                                  hiding it from the other club members. My drug use
                                                                                        was so extreme that I could not even afford to buy
                         One day my son’s mother came to me and said, ‘I                myself a shirt or shoes.
 142                     forgive you. It is up to you to come and see your              However, when I received the loan, I decided to take                         143
                         child or not.’ She would visit my parents often, but I
                         was too afraid to open up and talk to her about my             control of my life and use the money wisely. I
                         problems. I thought she was trying to find a way to            started selling sweet potatoes in my village that I
                         take me to prison or to leave the baby with me.                bought from other farmers. I also started sharing
                         However, all she did was invite me to the club and             my story and giving advice to other young men who
                         told me that if I go it will help me to reduce my              were heading down the same path I had.
                                                                                        I reconciled with my ex-girlfriend and now, I visit
                         She started sharing her experiences with the club              my four-year-old son frequently. He is my pride and
                         and said that since she joined the club her life has           joy.
                         changed. She had moved on with her life and was at
                         peace with herself and me. I told her that I would             I thank ADRA every day for initiating the club and
                         think about joining. But I really had no intention of          for giving me an opportunity to change my life.”
                         going as I thought that it would be biased in favour
                         of the girls over the boys.

 Photo: © 2019 ADRA | Sonja Fraser
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