Page 9 - World Food Day and ADRA Canada
P. 9

Towards Prosperity


        Lalita is a hard-working mother who not only cares for her husband and small children, but
        her elderly in-laws who lives with them.  While Lalita’s husband works as a day labourer,
        Lalita takes care of their farm and livestock. Finding work is not always easy, so the major
        source of the family’s income has been agriculture and livestock sales. Initially, Lalita
        reared chickens but the lack of technical assistance and access to chicken feed proved too
        difficult and she returned to goat farming.

        With the introduction of the Food Security Enhancement and Agricultural Resilience of the
        Earthquake-Affected Rural Nepalese Farmers (FOSTER) project, Lalita was one of the members
        of the group chosen from her community. She received various trainings such as saving and
        credit management, group management and leadership development, kitchen gardening and
        more. She has also received lead farmer training for improved goat rearing practices and is
        now a Farmer’s Field School (FFS) facilitator.

        The project has organized the farmers into groups.  Each member initially saved twenty
        rupees per month.  Now, with training and proper financial management, members can
        save one hundred rupees a month and borrow from the savings to improve their farms, buy
        equipment and livestock.  Lalita took a loan to built a goat shed. With ADRA’s help she has
        seen her herd increase from five to thirty-eight goats.

        She shares, “I have been able to save
        30,000 rupees ($310 CAD) every year
        after household expenses and I am
        very happy with what I have achieved
        from my hard work. However, this
        would have been less possible without
        the support from FOSTER project,
        so I am very thankful to the project
        team.  Now I am planning to increase
        the number of goats and expand my
        fodder cultivation area so that I can
        earn more for my family and for
        the future of my children. I am also
        planning to register my goat farm
        and start commercial goat rearing.
        For this, I need support from FOSTER
        project as much as possible.”

        Lalita has been an example in the
        community. Within a short span of
        time, she has been able to change
        her life and that of her family.

                                                                                           Photo: ©  2021 ADRA | ADRA Nepal
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