Page 8 - World Food Day and ADRA Canada
P. 8

Against All Odds


        Now in its third phase, ADRA’s Emergency Food Assistance (EFA) project in Yemen provides
        cash vouchers to vulnerable families in Dhamar district. Operating in such a complex
        environment is challenging. Dhamar, in is among those at highest risk of sliding into famine.             1

        ADRA’s cash transfer program allows freedom to purchase food supplies that best fit personal
        needs. It helps families cope with the ongoing conflict, displacement, lack of jobs, and high
        food costs.  Without cash transfers, Yemeni families in Dhamar district subsist on one, or
        perhaps two small meals each day.

        Mohammed is a 37-year-old husband and father of seven.  When asked about his current
        situation, he described their suffering by saying: “We were living in a safe environment.  I was
        working as a teacher in one of the village’s schools. As soon as the war started, we were forced
        to leave our home.  To save ourselves from the random air-strikes, we sought refuge in the
        mountain’s caves. We were living there with other people from the village.  We shared food and
        could only afford to eat one meal a day to conserve our supplies. Leaving the caves to collect
        more supplies was a risk.  We were afraid to be caught as collateral damage during an airstrike.”

        “Once we heard ADRA was intervening in our area,” Mohammed continued, “I felt a ray of
        light shine on me for the first time in a long time. ADRA conducted awareness sessions on the
        importance of food diversity, and how I can keep my children healthy. My perspective on food
        and water changed with these simple sessions that enlightened me and showed me how to
        protect my family from health threats.

        The lives of my family have changed for the better.  I no longer live in a constant state of fear. I
        have been fortunate enough to be able to return to teaching and I am teaching children what I
        learned from ADRA’s awareness sessions. When I return home every day, I feel safe because my
        children’s food is provided for, and they are drinking purified water that will not cause them
        harm. What may seem like a simple intervention has really changed my life.”

           World Food Programme (WFP): Yemen Country Brief August 2021

        Photo: ©  2021 ADRA | ADRA Yemen
        Photo: ©  2021 ADRA | ADRA Y
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