Page 5 - World Food Day and ADRA Canada
P. 5

For the Children


        According to UN statistics, the burden of malnutrition is shared by all and the upward trend
        of cases is concerning.  ADRA Canada knows that good nutrition is the key to healthy, growing
        children. For many years, ADRA has worked to support the Enhanced Nutrition and Health
        for Upland Phoukoud (ENHUP) project in Laos and the Baray-Santuk Nutrition for Under-2s
        and Mothers Project (BS-NUM) project in Cambodia.

        In these projects,
        ADRA Canada provides
        nutrition awareness
        and education through
        training. In addition,
        we partner with local
        community health
        systems to identify
        and rehabilitate
        malnourished children.
        We also include
        interventions to reduce
        the risks of debilitating,
        yet preventable illnesses
        from poor drinking
        water and household/
        community sanitation.

        Understanding that
        hunger and nutrition
        are interconnected, we
        work to increase food
        security with training
        and support in home
        gardening and small
        animal raising with
        target households to
        improve nutritious
        food diversity and

        See says “ADRA means
        a lot for our community
        because it helps to
        reduce malnutrition. I
        will practice the lessons
        I have learned with my
        family.”                                                                         Photo: ©  2021 ADRA | ADRA Cambodia
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