Page 7 - World Food Day and ADRA Canada
P. 7

Enhancing Food Security Against

         Shocks and Stresses                                                                        Indonesia

        ADRA Canada combines opportunity with education to ensure success.  In the countries where
        we work, farmers engage with agricultural curricula, adult learning facilitation and training
        in intersectoral commodities such as livestock, and horticulture (chili, tomatoes, corn).  One
        of these farmers is Sriyani.  Sriyani lives in Tuva Village, Sigi District, Central Sulawesi Prov-
        ince, Indonesia.  A mother of four children, and head of her household, she was selected as the
        best lead cocoa farmer in ADRA’s project. Before joining ADRA, Sriyani was one of the farmers
        affected by the Nepal earthquake in 2015.

        Sriyani shares, “I received a tent with the name ADRA in big letters. The situation was very diffi-
        cult at that time because our house was damaged, and we had to sleep on the ground. Gradually
        we followed the ADRA program from emergency to recovery.”

        Helping victims of extreme climate or disaster move from response to recovery is part of
        ADRA’s Food Security Enhancement and Agricultural Resilience strategy.

        Sriyani continues “We get a lot of training on good farming practices that can change the way
        we grow cocoa trees. We do have a garden that is planted with cocoa but made a lot of mistakes
        and the results were not good. Even though I’m not young, the training ADRA provides has giv-
        en me the enthusiasm to change our lives for the better.  At first, we always threw away cocoa
        husks because we didn’t know the benefits.  With training, we understand that cocoa husks en-
        able the soil to improve.  Now, we adopt new technologies such as shoot grafting and side graft-
        ing techniques which is new knowledge for us, but the cocoa pods now grow densely and produce
        maximum results.”

        “Praise God we feel comfortable with ADRA because it has changed our lives for the better!”

                                                                                            Photo: ©  2019 ADRA |Michael Kirkby
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