Page 4 - World Food Day and ADRA Canada
P. 4

Beyond Coping

                                                                                             South America

        Sometimes despite a family’s best efforts, circumstances beyond their control bring tremendous
        hardship. For example, in one South American country , extreme hyperinflation has rendered
        the national currency almost worthless despite possessing one of the world’s largest oil
        reserves.  Today it is one of the world’s most concerning acute food insecurity hotspots.

        ADRA Canada is working to provide emergency food aid to stem the tide of hunger. After two
        cycles of food aid, we are planning a pilot Agriculture/Livelihood project in the communities we
        are working with. Through this project we are seeking to increase resiliency and sustainability.

        The economic crisis, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has taken a significant toll on
        families.  Many are left without income as fathers, desperate to feed their children, migrate to
        border regions in search of work.

        Women and children are left destitute, desperately seeking to generate much needed income.
        Rosemary is one such mother.  She describes the impact ADRA’s Food for Hope project has
        made in her life and that of her family.

        Listen to Rosemary tell her story by clicking here.

        Photo: ©  2021 ADRA | ADRA South America
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