
ADRA Yemen


14,560 individuals
2,080 households



Project Context

The “Emergency Food Assistance Phase 5 (EFA5)” project in Yemen addresses the severe humanitarian crisis resulting from prolonged conflict, economic collapse, and widespread food insecurity. Yemen is facing one of the world’s worst hunger crises, with millions of people at risk of famine, including a high percentage of children suffering from acute malnutrition. The conflict has disrupted livelihoods, displaced millions, and severely limited access to food, clean water, and healthcare. The EFA5 project aims to alleviate immediate hunger and prevent further deterioration of the nutritional status of vulnerable populations by providing emergency food assistance.

Project Summary

The EFA5 project has significantly contributed to mitigating the food crisis in Yemen by delivering emergency food assistance to the most vulnerable households. Key activities include the distribution of food baskets containing essential items such as flour, pulses, oil, sugar, and salt, tailored to meet the nutritional needs of families. The project prioritizes support for internally displaced persons, women-headed households, and families with malnourished children. Despite the challenges posed by ongoing conflict, restricted access, and security risks, EFA5 has managed to adapt its operations through strategic partnerships with local organizations and community networks, ensuring aid reaches those most in need. The project has been instrumental in providing life-saving support, reducing acute food insecurity, and stabilizing the nutrition of affected populations in Yemen.