Yemen has been the scene of civil war for nine years. The fighting has inflicted death and destruction across the nation.
Before the war, Eman and her husband had created a good life together. But the conflict came to their doorstep in the form of a bomb that demolished the home they had built.
Eman and her family returned to her husband’s village penniless and homeless. Some relatives offered an abandoned barn as shelter. Eman’s husband did whatever work he could find to provide for his family. Tragically, he died of a heart attack while Eman was pregnant with their fifth child.
“I found myself lost and I didn’t know what to do. My husband died and left me carrying the burden of our children,” shares Eman. “I found no one to turn to except God.”

One way God provided for Eman was through an ADRA project which supplied her with emergency cash assistance. With it, she could finally feed her children and cover the expenses of other necessary items.
“Now hope is back, and we pray that this assistance will continue until… we can stand on our feet again.”
Our support of the Disaster and Famine Relief Offering answers the prayers of many mothers like Eman and others who strive against the odds to keep their families safe and meet their needs.
Let’s prepare to give generously on May 13.