Water Is More Than Survival

The 30th World Water Day is on March 22. Since its beginning, ADRA Canada has worked with communities to ensure the human right to water.   The Blue Nile State in Sudan is considered home to the country’s greatest humanitarian needs. Instability harms basic services like water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Women are responsible … read more

Suffering in Sudan

The global pandemic of COVID-19 is hitting the world’s poor the hardest. It is estimated that over the next few months, an additional 71 million people worldwide will be forced into extreme poverty. The economic shock waves of the coronavirus are causing millions of people to become food insecure. It is expected that … read more

Building BRIGHT Futures

ADRA Canada will partner with Global Affairs Canada to implement the project BREAKING Barriers, Improving Girls Education, Hope and Totality (BRIGHT). ADRA Canada believes that every child everywhere has the right to an education.  Through the BRIGHT project, ADRA will work over the course of four years (2020-2024) to make education available in … read more