
ADRA Cambodia


4,723 (3,128 female)



Project Context

The BSNUM II project was implemented in Baray and Santuk Districts, Kampong Thom province, Cambodia, starting in February 2020. The project aimed to improve nutrition for children and mothers by enhancing food security and promoting health and sanitation practices. During its implementation, the project faced significant challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which impacted community-based activities and restricted group gatherings. Despite these challenges, the project adapted by utilizing home-based and door-to-door education approaches, focusing on micro-home gardening, nutrition rehabilitation, and gender-sensitive community training.

Project Summary

The BSNUM II project focused on improving child and maternal nutrition through various interventions, including home gardening, nutrition education, and support for clean water and sanitation. The project adapted its strategies in response to COVID-19 by emphasizing individual household visits and compliance with health safety measures. It achieved notable successes in promoting gender equality, enhancing household income through agricultural activities, and improving food security and health outcomes among participants. Despite some delays and adjustments, the project successfully reached over 8,900 individuals, positively impacting community health and nutrition in the target areas.