
CFGB, ADRA Mozambique


6250 People



Project Context

The Zambezia Inclusive and Resilient Food Security Project (ZIREF) project in Mozambique addresses critical food insecurity and livelihood challenges faced by rural communities in regions prone to climate-related shocks, such as cyclones, floods, and droughts. These environmental hazards disrupt agricultural activities, reduce food availability, and exacerbate poverty among smallholder farmers and vulnerable households. The project focuses on enhancing resilience through sustainable agriculture, disaster risk reduction, and improved natural resource management. Additionally, it aims to empower women and marginalized groups by promoting their active participation in community decision-making and economic activities.

Project Summary

In its second year, the ZIREF project has made significant progress in building resilience and improving food security for communities in Mozambique. Key accomplishments include training farmers in climate-smart agriculture techniques, distributing drought-resistant seeds, and implementing soil and water conservation practices. The project has also established early warning systems and community-based disaster preparedness plans to mitigate the impact of natural hazards. Despite challenges such as intermittent weather disruptions and logistical constraints, ZIREF has adapted by enhancing local capacity and fostering community-led initiatives. As a result, the project has contributed to increased agricultural productivity, better household food security, and strengthened resilience to environmental shocks among the targeted populations.