Since 2015, Yemen has experienced devastating conflict leaving 22 million people in need of humanitarian assistance. The citizens of Yemen are suffering from hunger, lack of healthcare, and unsanitary conditions. They fear for their safety every day.

 “I felt that a cold jolt penetrated my hand, I thought I was going to die.”

When she was on her way to buy breakfast, Suraia heard an air raid strike close by. Looking down, she realized that a piece of shrapnel from the explosion had seriously injured her hand.

Disaster Response in Yemen, ADRA Canada

Disaster Response in Yemen, ADRA Canada

Rushing back home, Suraia and her family fled in search of safety. They had been living in a house constructed out of metal sheets and had felt safe until the day the air strike hit.

“We were happy there, we used to go out to play and buy candy.”

Without access to proper medical attention, Suraia’s injury has left her hand permanently disabled.

The family found a tent in a settlement with other displaced families, but they are still lacking basic necessities.

ADRA is working in Yemen, providing thousands of people like Suraia with proper medical care. ADRA is also fighting malnutrition and poor sanitation by providing nutritious food and sanitary kits to families.

Your support of ADRA is helping thousands in Yemen to receive the medical care and food they need.