Liberata and her family live in Rwanda.
For the last 22 years, her country has been slowly recovering from a horrific genocide that took the lives of over one million people. While the country has made a remarkable recovery, poverty is still a major problem. Like many young mothers Liberata struggles to provide for her children. Changing global weather patterns have brought long droughts to this part of Africa, punctuated with erratic flooding. The harsh climate makes subsistence farming a difficult challenge.
Babies and small children are the most vulnerable to the impact that malnutrition has on physical and mental development.
ADRA has been changing lives in Rwanda for decades. Our health, nutrition, livelihood, water and sanitation, and education projects are helping people to overcome poverty.
People in the remote, dry region of Ndego where Liberata lives are benefitting from the work of ADRA in their community. Sustainable health and nutrition programs, designed to meet the needs of the many families who had children under five, have been started.
Liberata quickly learned how to prepare healthy meals for her children. Her new baby gained weight and became healthy. Liberata and the women of her village learned for the first time that vegetables are a healthy and satisfying component of daily meals. She enjoys working in her new garden and has learned the art of saving seeds from each crop that she grows. She has now expanded her garden to the point where she is able to sell some of her excess produce in the marketplace for extra income.
This is the work of ADRA. Helping mothers like Liberata provide a better life for their children. Change like this is only possible through the generous support of our faithful donors. Won’t you help us? Your gift will help us change the life of a family in Rwanda. Please give today.