Heart and Soul: World Humanitarian Day
This is Rajan. He was the ADRA guide and translator for ADRA Canada team members, taking them from village to village to witness ADRA’s work and talk with the people we were helping.
Seven months earlier, Nepal had been devastated by a 7.8 earthquake. This mountainous country was dealing with loss and lack of services. ADRA was working to meet some of these needs.
Rajan was very helpful, energetic, quick to understand and respond. He smiled easily. But there was a sadness hiding just behind his smile.
Rajan, his family, and his village had not been untouched by the earthquake. In fact, they lived in Kavre district, one of the hardest-hit areas. Rajan, an ADRA worker who spent his days ensuring that others received the help they needed, had himself suffered badly because of the earthquake. On his property, Rajan had three structures in which his family members lived and worked. Two of those three structures were completely destroyed. Now, he and his six other family members live together in one small house. It has many cracks and Rajan is concerned about its safety.
When Rajan learned about ADRA he applied for a job to help those affected by the earthquake. In spite of his own personal difficulties, Rajan dedicates his energies to the earthquake response. His care, compassion, and sacrifice are incredible.
Rajan is a true humanitarian worker. Friday, August 19th, marks the 8th annual World Humanitarian Day. We would like to celebrate our ADRA workers the world over who, like Rajan, give of their time, their intellect, and their expertise. We know it requires many personal sacrifices. We witness their heart and soul in their compassionate work. Please join us in thanking God for these humble workers. May He grant them a special blessing of endurance, encouragement, wisdom, and strength.