EMBRACING A Mountain Village

Pagsangaan is an isolated community perched among beautiful mountains in the Philippines. The village was established during World War II when a group of families fled the violence of the Japanese invasion. The dense jungle provided a perfect place to hide. For 30 years, the people of the village remained very cautious of … read more

A Life-Changing Cow

Florence is the mother of two children. Before ADRA’s project began in her village, life was challenging. She struggled to feed her family. Her children faced malnourishment. Living in poverty, in a rural region of Rwanda, Florence did not have many options available to her. But all of this changed when she received … read more

Anastasie’s Garden

Anastasie’s garden is full of lush, leafy greens. Some of them are clearly spinach or lettuce. Some of them hint at root vegetables just underground. Anastasie is in her garden, gathering fresh produce to cook for her family of nine. Her garden didn’t always look like this. Not too long ago, it … read more

Help in a Time of Need

Aye Aye lives in a remote village in the Kayin state of Myanmar. When she was still quite young her father died and her mother had a difficult time supporting the family without him. Like many of the Karen people who live in Kayin state, she decided to cross over into Thailand and … read more

A Male Champion

Vincent is a small-scale farmer in Rwanda. To make more money for his family he takes work as a casual laborer whenever he can.  He also often helps technicians in the plumbing industry as they repair water pipes and earns about $1.50 CAD/day for his efforts. When ADRA started the EMBRACE project in … read more

Growing Strong Children

Console’s family used to eat only two meals a day. Console hadn’t been taught about proper nutrition and mainly cooked one-ingredient meals. Her family was often sick. The youngest of her five children was malnourished, but Console didn’t know.  All this changed when ADRA came to her village in Rwanda. Console learned about a balanced diet and the … read more

Supporting Mothers and Midwifery in Myanmar

In Myanmar midwives like Nan are becoming trusted professional support for the traditional birth attendants in the country’s more remote regions. And thanks to the EMBRACE project, Canadians are supporting both midwives and traditional birth attendants. EMBRACE is a four-year project funded by the Government of Canada to improve the lives of approximately … read more

Chit’s Story

Cows, Cleanliness and the Seeds of Better Health Throughout her 39 years, Chit and her family have farmed near their remote village in Myanmar, raising a few cows and meagre crops. They were poor — too poor to even visit the big city of Bangkok in Thailand where opportunities lie. In fact, Chit … read more

Living on Cloud 9

Even in Canada, a mother with nine children would likely struggle to feed them all. In Rubare village, Rwanda, 40-year-old Gaudance and her husband were desperate about theirs, aged 5 to 22. “Because I could not feed my children I thought they would die,” Gaudance frankly admitted. What could she do? There was … read more

Mom, Where are the Vegetables?

Obed is a typical rural farmer in a dry region of Rwanda. Over the last two years, his life has been completely transformed by the training that he and his wife have received from an ADRA project. Here is his story, in his own words. “Before we joined..our knowledge was very basic. We … read more