No Longer in the Yellow Zone!

“My babies are no longer in the yellow zone!” she said with a grateful smile. Phorothene and her husband, along with their six children ranging in age from one to 14 years, have recently moved to the Kayonza district of Rwanda. Their home is a mud brick house that they rent from a … read more

A Leader Mother in Rwanda

Odette and her family live in the Kayonza District of the Eastern Province of Rwanda. Like most of her neighbors, Odette is a small plot farmer.

From a Stretcher to an Ambulance

Boniface used to drive trucks. This experience, driving large vehicles over mountainous terrain and rutted roads, serves him well now. Today, Boniface drives the ambulance donated by ADRA Canada, in partnership with ADRA Rwanda and the Canadian government, through the EMBRACE project. In Boniface’s district in Rwanda, the ambulance used to be a … read more

Kitchen Gardens Improve Health in Rwanda

Savio and Providence live high up in the hills of a remote community in Rwanda. Life has been difficult for them. Their small farm has not been very productive. Everything that they are able to grow goes straight to their own table with nothing left over to sell in the market for extra … read more

I Danced with the Angel Mary!

by James Astleford, Former Executive Director, ADRA Canada I Danced with the angel Mary!  Or at least, I held her in the dance. The villagers were gathered at an EMBRACE project site for training in looking after their babies. Most were women, but there were a couple of men there too. When it … read more

New Nutrition in Rwanda

Leocadie and her family moved to the Ndego region of Rwanda in 2006. The government of Rwanda had opened an area for settlement and they had heard that land was cheap. With their meager savings, they bought a piece of land for their new farm. They built a traditional mud brick house and … read more

A New Ambulance for Rwanda

Imagine living in a remote mountain-side community in Africa with dirt roads that are rarely maintained. Imagine what it would be like to be nine months pregnant for the first time, worrying about the possibility of complications. If there were problems with the delivery, how you would make it down the mountain to … read more

Hope and Food both Sprout from the Ground

Serafine, her husband, and their three young children live in the Ndego district of Rwanda. When Serafine and her family returned from neighbouring Tanzania after the genocide in 1993, they returned to subsistence farming in their native district of Kirehe.   They struggled to feed their family and build a life. The Ndgeo area … read more


Liberata and her family live in Rwanda. For the last 22 years, her country has been slowly recovering from a horrific genocide that took the lives of over one million people.  While the country has made a remarkable recovery, poverty is still a major problem.  Like many young mothers Liberata struggles to provide … read more

Changing Lives in Rwanda

Standing in Agnes’ garden left me feeling like Alice in Wonderland for a moment. The kale was taller than I. Agnes is one of the most energetic people I have ever met. She darts everywhere, eager to show us the fruits—and vegetables—of her labours. At 70, she is bursting with life, as is … read more