Water Is More Than Survival

The 30th World Water Day is on March 22. Since its beginning, ADRA Canada has worked with communities to ensure the human right to water.   The Blue Nile State in Sudan is considered home to the country’s greatest humanitarian needs. Instability harms basic services like water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Women are responsible … read more

Emergency Program Update

ADRA Canada has received the final reports from a 2022 project we supported in Ethiopia. Implemented by our partners at ADRA Czech Republic and ADRA Ethiopia, the project titled “Crisis Intervention for People Affected by the Conflict in Tigray” was designed to meet the needs of people suffering through the conflict in the … read more

Water Means More Than You Might Think

March 22 marks World Water Day’s 29th year. In 1993, World Water Day was first observed to raise awareness of potable water as an invaluable resource and a right for all. Water means survival. You can survive only three days without water. However, water means more than you might think. It is … read more

And Let Everyone Who Is Thirsty Come

In the last few days of September, the unmistakeable smell of gasoline emanating from kitchen and bathroom facets was, to the residents of Iqaluit, the first sign that something was wrong with their water.  When city staff began investigating, they confirmed what had been obvious to residents. Fuel was contaminating the city’s treated water … read more

The Gift of Water

The Kibera slum in Kenya is one of the largest informal settlements in Africa, housing up to 60% of Nairobi’s 4.3 million residents.  Beneath the overlapping tin roofs is a hive of activity. Residents move back and forth, hoping to find opportunities to help them cope with their difficult, everyday lives. They live tightly packed, in mostly improvised … read more

Deborah’s Bar of Hope

“Back in the Democratic Republic of Congo, my dream was to become a nurse and serve my community,” says Deborah from her new home in one of Uganda’s overflowing refugee settlements. “When armed militias started burning our villages, killing our animals and destroying our crops, we decided to flee to for safety, and … read more

A Weight Off My Shoulders

Yemen. A country with a rich history and a stunning beauty all its own. The capital, Sana’a, looks to most foreigners like something out of Arabian Nights. But in recent years, it is also a country of turbulence and violence. Since 2011, a civil war has divided the country. The Yemeni people have … read more

From an Idyllic Life to an IDP

Ever since she was a child, Bu Ja Pu has heard the sounds of gunfire and shelling where she grew up in the Kachin State of Myanmar. It is a seemingly never-ending internal conflict that has been going on since 1961. In spite of the conflict, Bu Ja Pu was able to attend … read more

Simple Changes, Big Results

“I was born here in this village. This is my home.” Heng grew up in a small and remote Cambodian village, making access to goods and services difficult. Like many other villages in Cambodia, Heng’s lacked access to proper health care, clean water, and quality education. A trip into town for supplies … read more