
ADRA Indonesia


501 people (341 women, 160 men)



Project Context

The REAF II project in Indonesia focuses on enhancing food security and livelihoods for rural communities by promoting sustainable agricultural practices and resilience-building activities. The target areas are characterized by high levels of poverty, limited access to markets, and vulnerability to environmental hazards such as flooding and drought. These challenges are compounded by inadequate infrastructure and limited access to agricultural inputs, which hinder productivity and income generation. The project also aims to address socio-economic disparities, with a particular emphasis on supporting women and marginalized groups in participating more fully in agricultural and economic activities.

Project Summary

In its second year, the REAF II project has continued to make strides in improving agricultural productivity and community resilience in Indonesia. Key accomplishments include the training of farmers in sustainable farming techniques, the distribution of improved seeds and tools, and the establishment of community-based savings and loans groups to enhance financial inclusion. The project has also focused on strengthening market linkages, enabling farmers to secure better prices for their produce. Despite facing challenges such as adverse weather conditions and logistical difficulties, the project has adapted by implementing risk mitigation strategies and enhancing local capacity for disaster response. Overall, REAF II has contributed to increased food security, higher household incomes, and greater resilience among the participating communities.