A Weight Off My Shoulders

Yemen. A country with a rich history and a stunning beauty all its own. The capital, Sana’a, looks to most foreigners like something out of Arabian Nights. But in recent years, it is also a country of turbulence and violence. Since 2011, a civil war has divided the country. The Yemeni people have … read more


Anne* has a love for animals and a love for ADRA. She has found a creative way to bring these two loves together. Anne created an Instagram account for her Maltese dogs, Bianca and Oliver so that they can bring smiles to others. However, she wanted them to do more, to truly make … read more

Help in a Time of Need

Aye Aye lives in a remote village in the Kayin state of Myanmar. When she was still quite young her father died and her mother had a difficult time supporting the family without him. Like many of the Karen people who live in Kayin state, she decided to cross over into Thailand and … read more

A Male Champion

Vincent is a small-scale farmer in Rwanda. To make more money for his family he takes work as a casual laborer whenever he can.  He also often helps technicians in the plumbing industry as they repair water pipes and earns about $1.50 CAD/day for his efforts. When ADRA started the EMBRACE project in … read more

From an Idyllic Life to an IDP

Ever since she was a child, Bu Ja Pu has heard the sounds of gunfire and shelling where she grew up in the Kachin State of Myanmar. It is a seemingly never-ending internal conflict that has been going on since 1961. In spite of the conflict, Bu Ja Pu was able to attend … read more

Alberta and Ontario Wildfire Response

Drought conditions, extreme heat, and lightning made for a dangerous mix in British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario in the summer of 2019. The resulting fires caused the evacuation of communities and the demand for the provision of services and supplies for people sheltered away from home. In Northern Alberta, the residents of the … read more

Emergency Preparedness and Response in Canada

According to the government of Canada, there have been 2,405 wildfires thus far in 2019. Nearly every province is fighting the flames. In Alberta, Pastor David Guzman, the Compassion Ministries Director at the Alberta Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, has been actively monitoring the response to the High Level fire (also known as the … read more

Thinking Beyond

Samantha takes her place at the front of the class and begins the lesson. She instructs her kindergarteners to repeat the main points after her. The children’s voices recite in deafening unison, enjoying the sanctioned opportunity to be noisy. The classroom is filled with energy and enthusiasm. They seem to be taking great … read more

Helping Blossom to Bloom

Once she was found to be four months pregnant, Anne* was fired from her factory job in Bangkok. A rape victim who had been trafficked from Laos to Bangkok, Anne did not have many options. After giving birth to a baby girl in a Thai hospital, she and her daughter were deported back to Laos.   With few options in Laos, Anne made the trek back to Thailand on foot. … read more

Growing Strong Children

Console’s family used to eat only two meals a day. Console hadn’t been taught about proper nutrition and mainly cooked one-ingredient meals. Her family was often sick. The youngest of her five children was malnourished, but Console didn’t know.  All this changed when ADRA came to her village in Rwanda. Console learned about a balanced diet and the … read more