
ADRA Venezuela


4,729 individuals (2,456 Female / 2,273 Male); 907 HHs



Project Context

The “Comida para Esperanza Venezuela 3” (CEV3) project, implemented by ADRA Venezuela, was aimed at addressing acute food insecurity in Venezuela, particularly in the communities of 25 de Marzo and Francisca Duarte in San Félix, Bolívar State. The country’s ongoing economic crisis, driven by the collapse of its oil industry and hyperinflation, has led to widespread food scarcity and malnutrition. The project sought to mitigate these effects by providing direct food assistance, along with nutrition education and community empowerment initiatives, to enhance food security and resilience among vulnerable households.

Project Summary

CEV3 was a humanitarian intervention running from October 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022. It successfully reached 4,729 individuals across 907 households. The project delivered food kits designed to cover 65% of the daily caloric needs (2,100 kcal) over seven months, aiming to reduce negative coping mechanisms and improve nutritional outcomes. In addition to food distribution, CEV3 provided training on nutrition, sanitation, and income-generating activities, with a focus on supporting women and addressing gender-based violence. The project laid the groundwork for subsequent phases, including CEV4, to continue enhancing the livelihoods and food security of affected communities