
ADRA Mongolia


845 Households (459 females- 54.3% and 386 males- 45.7%)



Project Context

The SAFER-II project in Mongolia aims to enhance the resilience and food security of herder communities who face significant challenges due to harsh climatic conditions, including severe winters (dzud), droughts, and overgrazing. These environmental factors, coupled with limited access to markets, healthcare, and alternative income sources, put the livelihoods of herder families at risk, leading to food insecurity and economic instability. The project targets vulnerable groups, including women and youth, to improve their adaptive capacity through sustainable livelihood strategies and disaster risk reduction.

Project Summary

As the SAFER-II project concludes, it has successfully bolstered the resilience of herder communities in Mongolia through a series of targeted interventions. Key achievements include the establishment of pasture management committees, training on sustainable grazing practices, and the provision of veterinary services to improve livestock health. The project also implemented community-based early warning systems for disaster preparedness and supported the diversification of income sources through skills training and small business development. Despite facing obstacles such as extreme weather events and logistical challenges in remote areas, SAFER-II adapted its approach to ensure continued support and capacity building. The project has notably contributed to enhanced food security, reduced vulnerability to environmental shocks, and strengthened the overall resilience of the targeted herder communities in Mongolia.