Girls Can Do Anything

Tilly* hopped on her motorbike and revved the engine. A gift from her proud, older sisters, it was a sign of love and support. She rode towards hope and opportunity. She was going to university.   The possibility of university had once been so remote for Tilly that it had never crossed her … read more

Every Child. Everywhere. In School

1 out of every 5 children are denied an education. That is a staggering loss of potential. For every child not in school, the cycles of poverty, inequality, and instability will continue for at least another generation. Why are so many children out of school? Mugwaneza’s story helps to illustrate many of the … read more

Laila’s Journey

“When the soldiers came to our village there was a lot of killing.  My own father was killed.  Those of us who were left decided that we had to leave the village and go to Bangladesh.  It was the rainy season, so the way was wet and slippery.  Many people twisted their ankle … read more

Changing Lives in Thailand

As the country of Thailand has gone through rapid modernization over the last 30 years, ethnic groups, living in the hills and mountains of the country, have faced many challenges. Much of their homeland has been turned into national parks and forest reserves, and ethnic peoples across the country have been forced to … read more

The Story of Grace

JUBA, South Sudan–When I hear stories about what people have suffered in South Sudan, it’s easy to lose heart. But then I think about people who inspire me—people like Grace Athiens. I met 12-year old Grace when we visited Budi, the small county in the eastern part of South Sudan. That’s where ADRA … read more

Amina’s Story

On January 7th, the Canadian government extended the deadline for donations to the Syrian Emergency Relief Fund to February 29th.  The impact of gifts given to registered Canadian charities to help Syrian refugees by the new deadline will be doubled. Your gift will help people like Amina, a Syrian refugee in Beirut, Lebanon.  … read more

I Want to Be a Doctor

It is the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today.  Four and a half million Syrians are seeking refuge from the brutal civil war which has torn apart their country and shattered their lives.  Millions more try to keep ahead of the carnage by moving from village to village within Syria. The civil … read more