Growing Organic Mushrooms in Myanmar: SDG 4

17-year-old, Nang San Noon is from Myanmar. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Nang San Noon was unable to attend school. A short time later, the BRIGHT project came to her village and introduced a vocational training program. Nang San Noon became interested in this, and since she was no longer able to … read more

Building BRIGHT Futures

ADRA Canada will partner with Global Affairs Canada to implement the project BREAKING Barriers, Improving Girls Education, Hope and Totality (BRIGHT). ADRA Canada believes that every child everywhere has the right to an education.  Through the BRIGHT project, ADRA will work over the course of four years (2020-2024) to make education available in … read more

Help in a Time of Need

Aye Aye lives in a remote village in the Kayin state of Myanmar. When she was still quite young her father died and her mother had a difficult time supporting the family without him. Like many of the Karen people who live in Kayin state, she decided to cross over into Thailand and … read more

From an Idyllic Life to an IDP

Ever since she was a child, Bu Ja Pu has heard the sounds of gunfire and shelling where she grew up in the Kachin State of Myanmar. It is a seemingly never-ending internal conflict that has been going on since 1961. In spite of the conflict, Bu Ja Pu was able to attend … read more

Supporting Mothers and Midwifery in Myanmar

In Myanmar midwives like Nan are becoming trusted professional support for the traditional birth attendants in the country’s more remote regions. And thanks to the EMBRACE project, Canadians are supporting both midwives and traditional birth attendants. EMBRACE is a four-year project funded by the Government of Canada to improve the lives of approximately … read more

Chit’s Story

Cows, Cleanliness and the Seeds of Better Health Throughout her 39 years, Chit and her family have farmed near their remote village in Myanmar, raising a few cows and meagre crops. They were poor — too poor to even visit the big city of Bangkok in Thailand where opportunities lie. In fact, Chit … read more

Staying in the Village

Naw Eh Mwee is a member of the Karen ethnic group, living in the Kayin State (formerly Karen State) of Myanmar.  Like many young people in Kayin State, Naw Eh Mwee went to Thailand to find work so that she could send money home to support her family. While it is not … read more

Gardening for Growth

Eh Mwei, her husband Saw, and their four-year-old daughter make their home in a village in Myanmar’s Kayin state. In Kayin state 17% of people live below the poverty line.  Children and pregnant women suffer from malnutrition.  15% of all children are underweight.  30% of all children suffer from stunting (not developing … read more

Far From Home

Myi once enjoyed a happy and peaceful life in a small village in picturesque region of Myanmar. About five years ago she and her family were forced to flee their home because of civil conflict. She now lives in a camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs). Myi, her husband, mother and five children … read more

Fighting Malnutrition Among the Karen

Naw San is a mother of three children living in the Kayin state of the country of Myanmar (also known as Burma).  A member of the Karen ethnic group, Naw San has lived most of her life in fear of the ongoing civil conflict between the government soldiers and the Karen people.  It … read more