Supporting Mothers and Midwifery in Myanmar

In Myanmar midwives like Nan are becoming trusted professional support for the traditional birth attendants in the country’s more remote regions. And thanks to the EMBRACE project, Canadians are supporting both midwives and traditional birth attendants. EMBRACE is a four-year project funded by the Government of Canada to improve the lives of approximately … read more

Chit’s Story

Cows, Cleanliness and the Seeds of Better Health Throughout her 39 years, Chit and her family have farmed near their remote village in Myanmar, raising a few cows and meagre crops. They were poor — too poor to even visit the big city of Bangkok in Thailand where opportunities lie. In fact, Chit … read more

Living on Cloud 9

Even in Canada, a mother with nine children would likely struggle to feed them all. In Rubare village, Rwanda, 40-year-old Gaudance and her husband were desperate about theirs, aged 5 to 22. “Because I could not feed my children I thought they would die,” Gaudance frankly admitted. What could she do? There was … read more

The Joy of Service at Home

A group of ADRA staff, family, and friends gather on a Sabbath morning to help people in need. During the month of May, Ontario and Quebec experienced a lot of flooding from spring runoff and excessive rain. ADRA was put to the test and volunteers went into action! One community that … read more

Mugwaneza’s Story

“As I was growing up in my country, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, it never occurred to me that I would one day become a refugee.  We knew that other people from other countries sometimes had to flee and become refugees, but I didn’t think that it would ever happen to me.  … read more

The ADRA School

Brutal conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo is causing thousands of people to flee to safety across the border into the country of Uganda. ADRA has been very engaged in helping the refugees as they make new lives for themselves. The government of Uganda has been very welcoming and generous to these … read more

Our Home Is Gone, But God Is Still There

 “The winds started in the evening.” Glorimar recalls the horrors of Hurricane Maria like it was yesterday. The powerful storm all but destroyed her community of Villa Cristiana, Puerto Rico – the place she’d called home her entire life. “The sound of the wind across the roofing sheets was horrible. My daughter wanted … read more

Benefit Concert for ADRA

On November 3, 2018, the St. Catharines’ Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted their 11th annual benefit concert. More than one hundred people came together for an evening of music and entertainment, all to raise funds for ADRA. This year’s theme, “Reach Out and Help Them,” was inspired by ADRA’s work around the world. The … read more

Simple Changes, Big Results

“I was born here in this village. This is my home.” Heng grew up in a small and remote Cambodian village, making access to goods and services difficult. Like many other villages in Cambodia, Heng’s lacked access to proper health care, clean water, and quality education. A trip into town for supplies … read more

Mom, Where are the Vegetables?

Obed is a typical rural farmer in a dry region of Rwanda. Over the last two years, his life has been completely transformed by the training that he and his wife have received from an ADRA project. Here is his story, in his own words. “Before we joined..our knowledge was very basic. We … read more