Famine and Hope

ADRA workers see despair often.  It is in the eyes of a mother who cannot feed her children.  It is in the slumped shoulders of a man whose only means of supporting his family has been destroyed by a natural disaster.  It is in the fearful response of a child who has fled … read more

Fighting Malnutrition Among the Karen

Naw San is a mother of three children living in the Kayin state of the country of Myanmar (also known as Burma).  A member of the Karen ethnic group, Naw San has lived most of her life in fear of the ongoing civil conflict between the government soldiers and the Karen people.  It … read more

Twice a Refugee

Josephine has seen more than her share of pain and grief.  For most of her life, she has lived under the oppressive shadow of war and hunger.  Growing up in the southern region of the African country of Sudan, she lived in constant fear of attack from soldiers, ready to punish those who … read more

Srib’s Story

When most of us think of the word WASH, we think of the act of washing, of making things clean by using water and soap to remove dirt. When the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) uses the term WASH, we are speaking of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene. WASH is a serious public health … read more

Jacqulyn’s Story

“After peace came to South Sudan and we became a country of our own I was very hopeful for the future, but it did not last long.  After only 18 months, war and conflict returned to our homeland. “ Jacqulyn hopes for peace were dashed when warring factions caused South Sudan to descend … read more

Fighting Malnutrition

In the Bato area of Leyte province in the Philippines, children under two years old are at risk of acute or chronic malnutrition.  The effects of malnutrition are irreversible.  Children who do not receive proper nutrition in these crucial formative years will never develop as they should. Malnutrition has many causes.  A general … read more

ADRA Canada is Responding to the Hunger Crisis in Africa

With your partnership and the support that we receive from the International Humanitarian Assistance (IHA) Program of Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB), ADRA Canada is responding to the current humanitarian crisis in Kenya, South Sudan, Uganda and Somalia. Here are the most recent programs that have just been … read more

Safety in Savings

Elna started saving when she was 58.    Living in poverty on a small island in the Philippines Elna didn’t know how to save money and didn’t think it was possible for her family as their income was so irregular.  Then ADRA came to her barangay*.  ADRA set up a community-managed savings and credit association (COMSCA) program.  This … read more

The Honourable People

Not every disaster is unexpected. Sometimes the warning signs can be seen months in advance.  Insufficient amounts of rainfall.  Political uncertainty.  Skyrocketing food prices.  Crop failure.  Poverty.  Any one or a combination of these factors can cause a disaster which can go unnoticed. Famine. For the United Nations to officially declare a famine … read more

New Nutrition in Rwanda

Leocadie and her family moved to the Ndego region of Rwanda in 2006. The government of Rwanda had opened an area for settlement and they had heard that land was cheap. With their meager savings, they bought a piece of land for their new farm. They built a traditional mud brick house and … read more