The TOGETHER Project is focused on improving the lives of vulnerable communities through integrated approaches that address health, nutrition, education, and livelihoods.

“We are Their Helping Hand”

Imagine working as one of eight medical staff, serving a population of over 23,000, many of whom live in far-flung, hard-to-reach places.

Empowering Healthcare Providers Reduces the Burden of Challenges

TOGETHER is Strengthening Health Centres The TOGETHER project, with generous support from Global Affairs Canada, is working with remote and indigenous communities in Cambodia, Kenya, the Philippines, and Uganda to ensure that the most vulnerable people, especially girls and women, can exercise their health-related human rights. One way TOGETHER is ensuring this is … read more

Intangible – but Sustainable

Did you know that your dedicated contributions to ADRA transform lives for the better? Of course you did, but who doesn’t like to be shown how? Sometimes your compassionate support brings about positive change through items like tools, seeds, and medical equipment. Other times, your impact is less tangible but no less powerful. You … read more

“Opened My Eyes”

How ADRA’s TOGETHER project helped Oola change his life. Let’s talk about gender equality. Globally, it can mean the difference between life and death. According to UN Women, almost one in three women have suffered from physical and/or sexual violence at least once in their life.[1] Most of the violence is … read more

The Pain and Privilege of Isolation

Lockdown’s Silver Lining There is likely nobody in the world who enjoyed the social effects of COVID-19 more than my dog. Some might make the same claim about their own pets, but as far as I can tell, my pup became the happiest creature in the world after March, 2020. We all experienced it … read more

Deborah’s Bar of Hope

“Back in the Democratic Republic of Congo, my dream was to become a nurse and serve my community,” says Deborah from her new home in one of Uganda’s overflowing refugee settlements. “When armed militias started burning our villages, killing our animals and destroying our crops, we decided to flee to for safety, and … read more

Maria’s Journey

Maria, her husband and six children, were living a good life in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They had a large plot of land where they planted rice, maize and beans. The income generated from their farm was more than enough to sustain their family’s lifestyle and provide for the education of their … read more

Thinking Beyond

Samantha takes her place at the front of the class and begins the lesson. She instructs her kindergarteners to repeat the main points after her. The children’s voices recite in deafening unison, enjoying the sanctioned opportunity to be noisy. The classroom is filled with energy and enthusiasm. They seem to be taking great … read more