Supporting Ukrainians in the Long Term

This month, we received testimonials from several women in Ukraine. ADRA’s LEAP (Lifesaving Evacuation, Assistance and Protection) project has been addressing some of the longer-term effects of the war, especially when it comes to mental health and psycho-social support. You have helped us connect Ukrainians with qualified mental health professionals. There are women like … read more

Two Times a Refugee

Nina is an 82-year-old grandmother from Ukraine. The night before ADRA met her, she boarded a train with her sister and her sister’s husband and left her home country to escape the violence of the conflict. This evacuation is not Nina’s first time fleeing a conflict. In 1941, Nina was … read more

ADRA tent welcomes refugees from Ukraine

A large ADRA tent welcomes refugees entering Slovakia from Ukraine. Here they find a warm place to rest after their arduous journey. Power banks recharge cell phones, keeping loved ones connected. Cots provide a place to sleep. A kids’ corner stocked with toys, books, and crafts offers solace to children. ADRA staff and … read more

ADRA Update on the Ukraine Crisis

The news reports we are receiving from Ukraine each day leave us in shock and heartbreak. As of March 31, the number of people who have fled the country has risen to 4 million.  Others who have fled their homes to find shelter in safer places inside Ukraine have now reached 6.5 … read more

Young mother Victoria is now a refugee

At night, Victoria falls asleep in a room crowded with people, mattresses, and luggage. When she wakes up, she calls her husband in Khmelnitsky, 200 miles across the Ukraine border, to see if he is still alive. Her seven-year-old daughter sleeps beside her. Across the room, alongside several other relatives, Victoria’s brother-in-law, … read more