The Gift of Water

The Kibera slum in Kenya is one of the largest informal settlements in Africa, housing up to 60% of Nairobi’s 4.3 million residents.  Beneath the overlapping tin roofs is a hive of activity. Residents move back and forth, hoping to find opportunities to help them cope with their difficult, everyday lives. They live tightly packed, in mostly improvised … read more

Meals for MANS

“I have the audacity to believe that people everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality, and freedom for their spirits.” Martin Luther King, Jr.  ADRA could not agree more. By serving humanity so all may live as God intended, we seek to ensure … read more

Deborah’s Bar of Hope

“Back in the Democratic Republic of Congo, my dream was to become a nurse and serve my community,” says Deborah from her new home in one of Uganda’s overflowing refugee settlements. “When armed militias started burning our villages, killing our animals and destroying our crops, we decided to flee to for safety, and … read more

Transformers Ride for a Reason

Many of us enjoy a summer bike ride, usually for either recreation or fitness. On June 5-7 2020 however, thirteen ADRA volunteers rode for a very different reason – to raise vital funds for ADRA’s education projects in Africa. During the two-day event, ADRA’s Transformers team biked for 15 kilometres, while practicing social … read more

From Devastated to Determined

Ali is no stranger to hardship. His farm in Mandera County, Kenya is his family’s only source of food and income, and in a region prone to both drought and flood neither food nor money is ever plentiful or certain. This year a long period of drought was followed quickly by destructive … read more

Having a Baby in a War Zone

The country of Yemen is rarely featured in our news feeds. Yet, the United Nations has declared that the ongoing war in Yemen has generated the greatest humanitarian disaster that we have in our world today. The shelling has destroyed hospitals, clinics, and health facilities. Healthcare in Yemen has been hit hard. With … read more

Maria’s Journey

Maria, her husband and six children, were living a good life in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They had a large plot of land where they planted rice, maize and beans. The income generated from their farm was more than enough to sustain their family’s lifestyle and provide for the education of their … read more

A Great Grandfather

Many grandparents say, “If I could be a grandparent first and then a parent, that would be so great.” There is something special about being a grandparent. Some say they think they are older, wiser, and more patient with their grandchildren than with their children. Others relish the opportunity to love and treat … read more

Suffering in Sudan

The global pandemic of COVID-19 is hitting the world’s poor the hardest. It is estimated that over the next few months, an additional 71 million people worldwide will be forced into extreme poverty. The economic shock waves of the coronavirus are causing millions of people to become food insecure. It is expected that … read more

COVID-19 Response in Canada

Martha lives with her daughter and two grandchildren in the city of Toronto. She is originally from Mexico but came to Canada to help care for her grandchildren. Her daughter is a chef by profession and had a good job at a nice restaurant before the pandemic. When COVID-19 caused restaurants in Toronto … read more