Staying in the Village
Naw Eh Mwee is a member of the Karen ethnic group, living in the Kayin State (formerly Karen State) of Myanmar. Like many young people in Kayin State, Naw Eh Mwee went to Thailand to find work so that she could send money home to support her family. While it is not … read more
No Longer in the Yellow Zone!
“My babies are no longer in the yellow zone!” she said with a grateful smile. Phorothene and her husband, along with their six children ranging in age from one to 14 years, have recently moved to the Kayonza district of Rwanda. Their home is a mud brick house that they rent from a … read more
Gardening for Growth
Eh Mwei, her husband Saw, and their four-year-old daughter make their home in a village in Myanmar’s Kayin state. In Kayin state 17% of people live below the poverty line. Children and pregnant women suffer from malnutrition. 15% of all children are underweight. 30% of all children suffer from stunting (not developing … read more
Never Too Busy To Be A Better Mother!
Living in a remote region of the Philippines, Cristy is 37 years old and the mother of four children. She starts her morning routine at 5:00 am. She cooks, cleans, does household chores, gets her older children to school, goes to the market, manages her fruit stand, all while looking after her youngest … read more
Emergency Response in Guatemala
On June 3, 2018 the Fuego Volcano (Volcano of Fire) in Guatemala erupted, causing large amounts of destruction to the surrounding communities. The eruption produced the descent of pyroclastic flows and fiery clouds with temperatures reaching 700 degrees Celsius. Ash columns were formed, reaching up to 10,000 meters above sea level and affecting … read more
Broadcasting EMBRACE
“I am too busy working to join the group!” As ADRA Cambodia staff were doing surveys and baseline assessments for the launch of the EMBRACE project in the northern region of Cambodia, it was a phrase they heard a lot. It is totally understandable. Many people living in Cambodia depend on the income … read more
Flood Response in Kenya
Beginning in March of 2018, the country of Kenya has experienced extensive torrential rainfall. The flooding has caused the death of 183 people and has displaced over 300,000 people. The flooding has been so intense that homes have been swept away to nearby Lake Victoria. People have lost their livestock, their crops, and … read more
A Leader Mother in Rwanda
Odette and her family live in the Kayonza District of the Eastern Province of Rwanda. Like most of her neighbors, Odette is a small plot farmer.
Refrains for the Rohingya
On November 25th, 2017 nearly 100 people gathered in a tiny church in Tantallon, Nova Scotia, near Peggy’s Cove. Those in attendance included people from the community and other churches as well as students and faculty from nearby Sandy Lake Academy (SLA). They came together for an evening of music to raise funds … read more
Praising God in an IDP Camp
Zang and his family lived in a beautiful rural village in Kachin State in Myanmar (Burma). Two lakes close to their village supplied all the fish they could eat and the nearby jungle was full of edible plants and greens to supplement their diet. Beautiful mountains served as a backdrop to their … read more