
ADRA Somalia


818 households (646 female-headed and 172 male-headed) reaching 6,544 individuals



Project Context

The “Act Now for the Prevention of Incidence of Famine Project” in Somalia addresses the severe and ongoing food insecurity crisis exacerbated by prolonged drought, conflict, and economic instability. These factors have led to widespread malnutrition, displacement, and a high risk of famine, particularly among vulnerable groups such as children, women, and the elderly. The project aims to mitigate the risk of famine by providing immediate humanitarian assistance, strengthening local capacities for food production, and enhancing community resilience to cope with future shocks. The intervention also focuses on improving access to clean water, nutrition, and health services to address the immediate needs of affected populations.

Project Summary

The “Act Now for the Prevention of Incidence of Famine Project” has made significant strides in preventing famine and improving food security in Somalia. Key achievements include the distribution of emergency food and cash assistance to the most vulnerable households, provision of clean water through rehabilitated water points, and support for small-scale farmers through the distribution of drought-resistant seeds and agricultural training. The project also implemented nutrition programs targeting malnourished children and pregnant and lactating women, significantly reducing malnutrition rates in the targeted areas. Despite challenges such as security constraints and difficult weather conditions, the project adapted by enhancing community engagement and coordination with local authorities. As a result, the project has played a crucial role in stabilizing food security and improving the resilience of communities at risk of famine in Somalia.