Helping Families in the Philippines

After Mary Ann finished high school in the Philippines, she found a job working in a store. She met a man named Dannis who worked at a bakery. After dating for three years they got married. When Mary Ann became pregnant with their first child, they had to make a choice. “We needed … read more

ADRA Gifts Change Lives in Rwanda

Ruth and her husband lived in a small town in the Eastern province of Rwanda. Together they had five children and were doing quite well. Unexpectedly, Ruth’s husband passed away. She tried to carry on but found it too overwhelming. Ruth and the children moved back to the rural village where her husband … read more

Staying in the Village

Naw Eh Mwee is a member of the Karen ethnic group, living in the Kayin State (formerly Karen State) of Myanmar.  Like many young people in Kayin State, Naw Eh Mwee went to Thailand to find work so that she could send money home to support her family. While it is not … read more

No Longer in the Yellow Zone!

“My babies are no longer in the yellow zone!” she said with a grateful smile. Phorothene and her husband, along with their six children ranging in age from one to 14 years, have recently moved to the Kayonza district of Rwanda. Their home is a mud brick house that they rent from a … read more

From a Stretcher to an Ambulance

Boniface used to drive trucks. This experience, driving large vehicles over mountainous terrain and rutted roads, serves him well now. Today, Boniface drives the ambulance donated by ADRA Canada, in partnership with ADRA Rwanda and the Canadian government, through the EMBRACE project. In Boniface’s district in Rwanda, the ambulance used to be a … read more

Reflect Circles in Cambodia

Chim and her husband are rice farmers, living in a rural community in the northern region of Cambodia. She is the proud mother of two young children and is always anxious to learn everything she can to provide the best for her family. About a year ago, Chim began volunteering for ADRA as … read more

A New Ambulance for Rwanda

Imagine living in a remote mountain-side community in Africa with dirt roads that are rarely maintained. Imagine what it would be like to be nine months pregnant for the first time, worrying about the possibility of complications. If there were problems with the delivery, how you would make it down the mountain to … read more