Finding Hope Amid Despair

The unsettling thing about an emergency is its unexpected nature. For the village of Lytton, it began with months of dry weather conditions followed by a massive heatwave in the waning days of June that meteorologists called “unprecedented and historic.” On June 29, at 49.4C (121F), Lytton tied with Death Valley, California, as … read more

Hope in a Bag of Berries

Properly referred to as indigenous or aboriginal, Inuit are part of the First Peoples of Canada and are among the most culturally resilient in North America.    Many Inuit face persisting social and economic hardship. Many families struggle to meet their basic needs in safety, housing, and getting enough food to eat.  The history of colonization among the Inuit has left … read more

In Our Backyard

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, F. Edgar Nunes, pastor of the Kingston Seventh-day Adventist Church, was asking himself, “What more can my church do to help those in need? We are handing out as many food parcels as our resources allow. But these resources are limited. What more can we … read more

Shelter, Not Suicide

The Keep Girls Safe shelter in Thailand is a haven for young girls. Here they are able to live in a safe, stable environment while they attend elementary and high school.  Nina* was not born in Thailand, but moved there with her mother and four younger siblings.   Nina’s mom had to leave her children early in the morning to … read more

Meals for MANS

“I have the audacity to believe that people everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality, and freedom for their spirits.” Martin Luther King, Jr.  ADRA could not agree more. By serving humanity so all may live as God intended, we seek to ensure … read more

Deborah’s Bar of Hope

“Back in the Democratic Republic of Congo, my dream was to become a nurse and serve my community,” says Deborah from her new home in one of Uganda’s overflowing refugee settlements. “When armed militias started burning our villages, killing our animals and destroying our crops, we decided to flee to for safety, and … read more

Transformers Ride for a Reason

Many of us enjoy a summer bike ride, usually for either recreation or fitness. On June 5-7 2020 however, thirteen ADRA volunteers rode for a very different reason – to raise vital funds for ADRA’s education projects in Africa. During the two-day event, ADRA’s Transformers team biked for 15 kilometres, while practicing social … read more

Djama’s Cancelled Wedding

In Djama’s culture, a man will give a healthy girl’s parents at least ten cows when they marry. If the girl is beautiful, good-natured, and a hard worker, she could be worth as many as 25 cows! When she was eleven, Djama’s father let it be known publicly that she was ready to … read more

Fleeing Eden

“We weren’t going to evacuate originally. But when the warning came through that they couldn’t guarantee Eden could be saved, we thought that was too scary for us to deal with.” Vicki and her mother, Norma, live in Eden on the south coast of New South Wales in Australia. But when the … read more

When it Rains Ash and Stones!

Located just 50 kilometres south of Manila, the capital city of the Philippines, the Taal volcano is the second most active volcano in the country. On Sunday, January 12, 2020, Taal suddenly began to erupt. Seismologists in the Philippines said, “The speed of the escalation of Taal’s volcanic activity caught us by surprise.” … read more