Project: Cusco YTC

Peru Cusco Youth Training Center
Warm Houses and Warm Hearts

Juan Carlos is a 44-year-old husband and father. He lives in Ccampa, Peru, with his wife Yulisa and their two daughters, ages 12 and 14. Ccampa is located over 14,000 feet above sea level, with extreme temperatures as low as -6° Fahrenheit (-21°Celsius). This community is essentially at the base of the snow-capped Andes of Cusco, Peru. Until December 2019, Juan Carlos was a muleteer and chef for hiking enthusiasts … read more
A Happy Face

High in the mountains of Peru, lies the community of Chilca. Remote and unforgiving, at 13500-15500 ft above sea level, the temperature can quickly drop to -5 degrees. These freezing cold temperatures bring rain, snow, and blustery winds that negatively affect the local inhabitants’ health. The harsh conditions exacerbate vulnerabilities, especially for the very young and the very old. With their precarious economic condition made worst by the COVID-19 pandemic, few … read more