Health Data Informs More Effective Health Actions

Marife Relos is very involved in the coastal barangay of Penitan in Siruma, Camarines Sur, in the Philippines. At 50, she is nowhere near slowing down. Not only is she a barangay health … read more

TOGETHER, We Protect Women and Children

Your unflagging support of ADRA’s mission is reaching the vulnerable around the world with provision and protection. Thank you, dear Angel, for protecting the vulnerable today and ensuring a safer tomorrow! Who are the vulnerable? They are those who can’t shield themselves from harm or exploitation. Most often, they are women and children. … read more

The Pain and Privilege of Isolation

Lockdown’s Silver Lining There is likely nobody in the world who enjoyed the social effects of COVID-19 more than my dog. Some might make the same claim about their own pets, but as far as I can tell, my pup became the happiest creature in the world after March, 2020. We all experienced it … read more

Winefredo’s Story on Good Health and Well-Being: SDG 3

“ADRA has helped me to become a better father. I used to believe that as long as I was working hard and providing food for my children that I was doing my part. ADRA has taught me that even if I am very busy, I need to make the time to spend … read more

Philippines: Typhoon Rai (Odette)

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must also love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35, NIV Through His ministry, Jesus showed us that love cannot be idle in … read more

The Garden Lab

The elementary school property rings with the sounds of children. Three hundred and forty children can make quite a happy din. Gina sits with a smile while the daily commotion swirls through the hallways and around the grounds. Gina’s job is to help make sure the children are as active and engaged as possible. As the school’s … read more

COVID-19 Response in the Philippines and Cambodia

ADRA Canada is pleased to announce that Global Affairs Canada has approved funding for a nine-month COVID-19 response to be conducted by ADRA in the Philippines and Cambodia. The work will be done in the very same communities where ADRA has been implementing the EMBRACE project over the last four years. With … read more

Making Masks and Gowns

In the Philippines, healthcare workers have been running out of masks and gowns as they work on the front lines of their communities, serving people infected with COVID-19. The Culasi Maker Tailoring Shop, a community-based organization started by ADRA’s REAP project in northern Iloilo, has stepped up and not only made masks … read more

EMBRACING A Mountain Village

Pagsangaan is an isolated community perched among beautiful mountains in the Philippines. The village was established during World War II when a group of families fled the violence of the Japanese invasion. The dense jungle provided a perfect place to hide. For 30 years, the people of the village remained very cautious of … read more

When it Rains Ash and Stones!

Located just 50 kilometres south of Manila, the capital city of the Philippines, the Taal volcano is the second most active volcano in the country. On Sunday, January 12, 2020, Taal suddenly began to erupt. Seismologists in the Philippines said, “The speed of the escalation of Taal’s volcanic activity caught us by surprise.” … read more