The ADRA School

Brutal conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo is causing thousands of people to flee to safety across the border into the country of Uganda. ADRA has been very engaged in helping the refugees as they make new lives for themselves. The government of Uganda has been very welcoming and generous to these … read more

A Few Steps to Relief!

Elisa was a farmer in South Sudan. Life was looking good for him. After many years of war and conflict, peace had finally come and his country. In 2011 it had officially been recognized as sovereign nation and people had high hopes that they would now be able to build a strong and … read more

Finding Grace in Uganda

Grace remembers that life was good in her home in South Sudan.  But during the war, many of her friends were killed. After the soldiers came through her village, dead bodies were everywhere.  “I had to step over them,” she said. Grace decided to flee to Ugandan refugee camp with a group from … read more

Twice a Refugee

Josephine has seen more than her share of pain and grief.  For most of her life, she has lived under the oppressive shadow of war and hunger.  Growing up in the southern region of the African country of Sudan, she lived in constant fear of attack from soldiers, ready to punish those who … read more

Jacqulyn’s Story

“After peace came to South Sudan and we became a country of our own I was very hopeful for the future, but it did not last long.  After only 18 months, war and conflict returned to our homeland. “ Jacqulyn hopes for peace were dashed when warring factions caused South Sudan to descend … read more

The Story of Grace

JUBA, South Sudan–When I hear stories about what people have suffered in South Sudan, it’s easy to lose heart. But then I think about people who inspire me—people like Grace Athiens. I met 12-year old Grace when we visited Budi, the small county in the eastern part of South Sudan. That’s where ADRA … read more