Changing Lives, No Strings Attached

ADRA believes in serving humanity so all may live as God intended. The “all” encompasses anyone in need, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs, political affiliations, or other considerations.   As a faith-based organization, ADRA’s presence in some communities raises understandable skepticism. The Muslim villages in Mandera West, Kenya, had their reservations when ADRA first offered … read more

Fighting Drought and Hunger in Kenya

Your financial support is making an impact in Kenya through ADRA’s relief and development efforts. During a recent monitoring trip, one of our staff members visited the sites of our project “HAIL” (Horn of Africa Initiative for Loima sub-county) in Kenya. She found that the projects we are implementing in the region are … read more

Pauline’s Story

Turkana County, Kenya, has suffered from a drought for five consecutive years. The people here are traditionally pastoralists. Now, the longstanding drought has killed their herds and source of livelihood. Without the means to support themselves, many families have plunged into hunger. Pauline, a mother, is facing these challenges alone. During her last … read more

A Sign of Love

Do you remember the early 1980s? More specifically, do you remember the Ethiopia famine in the early 1980s? Recurring droughts, failing harvests, and conflict pushed millions into deprivation and starvation. The images from that catastrophe sent shock waves around the world. Perhaps for the first time on such a global scale, … read more

The Pain and Privilege of Isolation

Lockdown’s Silver Lining There is likely nobody in the world who enjoyed the social effects of COVID-19 more than my dog. Some might make the same claim about their own pets, but as far as I can tell, my pup became the happiest creature in the world after March, 2020. We all experienced it … read more

Impossible Problem Meets God of the Impossible

Elisha was on a ministerial trip to Gilgal, visiting 100 prophets. The region was gripped by famine. (2 Kings 4:38, NIV) Hunger haunted the people’s eyes. Fathers feared for their families, and mothers mourned their children’s misery.  When a man came with armloads of bread and some heads of grain, Elisha knew what to … read more

The Gift of Water

The Kibera slum in Kenya is one of the largest informal settlements in Africa, housing up to 60% of Nairobi’s 4.3 million residents.  Beneath the overlapping tin roofs is a hive of activity. Residents move back and forth, hoping to find opportunities to help them cope with their difficult, everyday lives. They live tightly packed, in mostly improvised … read more

From Devastated to Determined

Ali is no stranger to hardship. His farm in Mandera County, Kenya is his family’s only source of food and income, and in a region prone to both drought and flood neither food nor money is ever plentiful or certain. This year a long period of drought was followed quickly by destructive … read more

Changing Lives, No Strings Attached

ADRA believes in serving humanity so all may live as God intended. The “all” encompasses anyone in need, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs, political affiliations, or other considerations.   As a faith-based organization, ADRA’s presence in some communities raises understandable skepticism. The Muslim villages in Mandera West, Kenya, had their reservations when ADRA first offered … read more

A Dark Cloud of Locusts

Large swarms of desert locusts have been devastating pasture, crops, and fodder fields in eastern Africa for the last two months. Farmers and herders in Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda have been forced to stand by helplessly, as the locusts stripped their fields of everything green. Living in rural Kenya, Mwikali is … read more