Northern Connections: Adventist Youth Serve Indigenous People

The youth and young adults of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada had cast a vision for what it would mean to really make a difference right at home. Their vision: to work for the betterment of people’s lives in ways that were responsive to their actual needs. From this vision sprang up a goal: to do something to help Indigenous people in a tangible, practical, and non-manipulative way that fostered true connection and friendship

Syria and Turkïye Update

Earlier this year, the earthquake that rocked Syria and Türkiye left the world shocked and shaken. Already subject to protracted violence over many years, Syrian communities found their problems compounding as existing struggles ran up against new ones. For some families, sons bearing serious wounds and health conditions sustained during combat complicated the process of fleeing from crumbling homes and travelling across town to find new shelter. For others, the economic impacts of the long war had left some very full households with only one breadwinner.


Hurricane Otis began to form on October 22, 2023, and struck the coast of Mexico on October 25. While local weather forecasters had initially assessed Otis as a Category 1 storm, within only 12 hours it intensified into a Category 5 storm, catching many people off guard.

Nepal Earthquake

A devastating earthquake struck Nepal on November 3, 2023. While the Richter scale measurements have been ambiguous – with some sources reporting it as 5.7 and others as 6.4 – the human cost is immediately clear: so far, 150 people have died and 338 are injured. The quake was centred in Jajarkot, Karnali Province, but the 159 aftershocks were felt as far as Kathmandu and Delhi, India. Over 4000 homes have been damaged, and some government emergency response activities have been set back by landslides in the affected areas.

Now I Don’t Have to Borrow Money

Turkey-Syria earthquake response in north-west Syria.

In 2023, ADRA donors responded to the Syria earthquake, supporting Rima’s family in Aleppo. The earthquake left them unable to return home, and her husband lost his job. They relied on their 21-year-old daughter’s income until ADRA provided weekly food kits, helping them save money and regain stability. Your support makes a difference.

Gender Equality is Critical to Reducing Gender-Based Violence

Gender-based violence (GBV) violates fundamental human rights and is a major barrier to achieving gender equality. During times of crisis and emergency, multiple risk factors increase the prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV) and exacerbate existing gender inequalities. These kinds of emergency situations can significantly weaken a society’s ability to protect women and girls.

When a Wildfire Leapt Over a Lake in BC

It was a Thursday night when residents first noticed the fires. The pastor had been in a meeting with his church members at the time and came home to find that his family was making space for a mother and daughter who had been forced to flee from their home by the rising flames. Over […]

Health Data Informs More Effective Health Actions

Marife Relos is very involved in the coastal barangay of Penitan in Siruma, Camarines Sur, in the Philippines. At 50, she is nowhere near slowing down. Not only is she a barangay health … read more

Unlikely Partnership Saves Lives

Kaov Norm lives in Tomlob village in the remote north of Cambodia. As a traditional birth attendant, she was one of the first people to take advantage of ADRA Cambodia’s invitation to adopt a new role, that of a partnership between traditional birth attendants and midwives. Through this partnership, babies would be delivered … read more

Crisis in East Africa

As military violence and civil conflict have broken out in Sudan, several surrounding eastern and north-eastern African nations are feeling the strain. Not only are refugees pouring into Egypt, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Central African Republic among others, but many of these nations are struggling to support these newly displaced people while … read more