Djama’s Cancelled Wedding

In Djama’s culture, a man will give a healthy girl’s parents at least ten cows when they marry. If the girl is beautiful, good-natured, and a hard worker, she could be worth as many as 25 cows! When she was eleven, Djama’s father let it be known publicly that she was ready to … read more

Hard Hit by COVID-19

A volunteer at the Philadelphia SDA Church Foodbank puts together a food box for people in need because of COVID-19 Esan lives in Scarborough, Ontario with her husband and fifteen-month-old daughter. Both she and her husband were employed and they were doing well. They were able to cover all of their … read more

Why I Ride

I’m Janice. At the age of 55, a little girl’s story motivated me to mount a bike for the first time! It came in the form of a video that I think every one should watch. A Cancelled Wedding is a four minute video that will give you a window into what is … read more

Grace in Halifax

Grace moved to Canada from Italy in 1967. She is now 79 and lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Grace always knew that she wanted to live in Canada. She knew that her children would be safe here. Grace’s mother left when she was very young. Grace’s father told her she would have to … read more

Supporting the Vulnerable

On March 15, 2020, in response to the growing numbers of COVID-19 infections and deaths around the world, the government of Indonesia asked all of its citizens to limit activities outside of their homes in an effort to contain the virus. Personal protection equipment is scarce and the health system would be unable … read more

Philadelphia Church Distributes ADRA Personal Care Kits

The Philadelphia Seventh-day Adventist Church, located in Scarborough, Ontario, has been operating a weekly food bank for the last five years. They started serving their community in this way shortly after they moved to their new location. The facility that they purchased was at one time a vehicle testing center and the garage … read more

Fort McMurray Flood Response

A 25 kilometer long ice jam on the Athabaska River has brought more devastation to the residents of Fort McMurray, Alberta. Still recovering from the wildfires of 2016, reeling from the current crash of the oil industry, coping with COVID-19 closures and job losses, the people of Fort McMurry are now also dealing … read more

Fleeing Eden

“We weren’t going to evacuate originally. But when the warning came through that they couldn’t guarantee Eden could be saved, we thought that was too scary for us to deal with.” Vicki and her mother, Norma, live in Eden on the south coast of New South Wales in Australia. But when the … read more

Update on the Bahamas

“In the Bahamas, what happened with this hurricane, I guess you call this kind of storm a “once in a century” or “once in a lifetime.” Most of the initial relief has already been done. We did some hot meal programs, some food distribution, as well as giving hygiene kits and mattresses. We’ve … read more

Bushfires in Cobargo, Australia

Tammy and Brett live in the country town of Wandella, just outside Cobargo in Australia. On 31 December 2019, they were woken in the middle of the night by a phone call. It was their son, who was out battling the bushfires with the Rural Fire Service. “You need to leave,” he said. … read more