Tropical Storm Ana Displaces Families in Mozambique

“I rescued the poor who cried for help, and the fatherless who had none to assist them.” Job 29:12, NIV Job had a reputation. And it was a good one. It was so stellar, God Himself boasted of His servant Job before a heavenly assembly. “He is blameless and upright, a man who … read more

Winefredo’s Story on Good Health and Well-Being: SDG 3

“ADRA has helped me to become a better father. I used to believe that as long as I was working hard and providing food for my children that I was doing my part. ADRA has taught me that even if I am very busy, I need to make the time to spend … read more

Gender Equality and Empowerment in Sudan: SDG 5

In partnership with Global Affairs Canada, ADRA works to achieve gender equality and empowerment for women and girls. In West Darfur, Sudan, ADRA is making a difference in the lives of women and girls, like Arafa. “In my village, women and girls have experienced and suffered from gender-based violence, forced and early … read more

And Let Everyone Who Is Thirsty Come

In the last few days of September, the unmistakeable smell of gasoline emanating from kitchen and bathroom facets was, to the residents of Iqaluit, the first sign that something was wrong with their water.  When city staff began investigating, they confirmed what had been obvious to residents. Fuel was contaminating the city’s treated water … read more

Philippines: Typhoon Rai (Odette)

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must also love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35, NIV Through His ministry, Jesus showed us that love cannot be idle in … read more


Get ADRA TV! All of our ADRA programs are now available on Amazon Fire TV and Roku.  You can watch all of our project updates, video podcasts and sermons directly from your Smart TV.  Most TVs sold today come complete with streaming software built-in that allows you to watch almost all … read more

TOGETHER Project Announcement

Following an announcement by The Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of International Development and Minister responsible for the Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada, ADRA Canada is pleased to be collaborating with Global Affairs Canada and partners to ensure that some of the most vulnerable people, especially women and girls, in Cambodia, Kenya, … read more

The Garden Lab

The elementary school property rings with the sounds of children. Three hundred and forty children can make quite a happy din. Gina sits with a smile while the daily commotion swirls through the hallways and around the grounds. Gina’s job is to help make sure the children are as active and engaged as possible. As the school’s … read more

Saving Lives with Food and Fuel

In some of the countries where ADRA works there is such sensitivity surrounding the current situation that some of our funding partners ask us not to share the name of the country.  Today’s report is from one of those countries. By the beginning of 2021, war and drought had caused the displacement … read more

Girls Can Do Anything

Tilly* hopped on her motorbike and revved the engine. A gift from her proud, older sisters, it was a sign of love and support. She rode towards hope and opportunity. She was going to university.   The possibility of university had once been so remote for Tilly that it had never crossed her … read more