Helping Families in the Philippines

After Mary Ann finished high school in the Philippines, she found a job working in a store. She met a man named Dannis who worked at a bakery. After dating for three years they got married. When Mary Ann became pregnant with their first child, they had to make a choice. “We needed … read more

Never Too Busy To Be A Better Mother!

Living in a remote region of the Philippines, Cristy is 37 years old and the mother of four children. She starts her morning routine at 5:00 am. She cooks, cleans, does household chores, gets her older children to school, goes to the market, manages her fruit stand, all while looking after her youngest … read more

The Life of a ‘Single’ Father

It is a familiar story in the Philippines.  When parents cannot earn enough in their local community to support their family, one or both of them must leave their children behind to find a job.  Often a grandmother steps in to help care for the children, but that is not always an option. … read more

Fighting Malnutrition

In the Bato area of Leyte province in the Philippines, children under two years old are at risk of acute or chronic malnutrition.  The effects of malnutrition are irreversible.  Children who do not receive proper nutrition in these crucial formative years will never develop as they should. Malnutrition has many causes.  A general … read more

Safety in Savings

Elna started saving when she was 58.    Living in poverty on a small island in the Philippines Elna didn’t know how to save money and didn’t think it was possible for her family as their income was so irregular.  Then ADRA came to her barangay*.  ADRA set up a community-managed savings and credit association (COMSCA) program.  This … read more

Changing Lives in the Barangay

A “barangay” is the smallest administrative division in the Philippines and is the native Filipino word for village, district or ward. ADRA’s EMBRACE program is working in some of the most remote barangays in the country. Canadian volunteer, Jordan Venton-Rublee, is spending a year in the Philippines, observing and documenting the EMBRACE program … read more

A New Fishing Boat for Rogelio

Rogelio is a fisherman in the Philippines. When Typhoon Haiyan swept through his village in November 2013 his house and fishing boat were destroyed. At 71 Rogelio should be thinking about retirement, but because of a family crisis, he is still responsible for the livelihood of six grandchildren, one of them who is … read more

Build Back Better

Typhoon Haiyan, known locally as Typhoon Yolanda, crashed into Philippines on November 8, 2013, taking the lives of over 6000. Haiyan is one of the strongest tropical cyclones on record. The people of Canada were quick to respond. Their generosity was combined with support by the ADRA Network from around the world allowing … read more

Weaving Life Back

By Stacey Panozzo Mary and I sat on the ground outside her new home, surrounded by lush green nipa leaves and bamboo sticks. I watched as she skillfully combined these natural materials, weaving them together just as if she were sewing, to produce a nipa shingle. Nipa housing is an icon of rural … read more

Monina’s Story

When this particular carpenter shows up at a new work site, the usual greeting is a bewildered one. Monina the carpenter is certainly a surprise! Typhoon Haiyan wrecked homes and lives in the Philippines in December, 2013. Many were left homeless in the aftermath of possibly the strongest storm ever recorded. ADRA Canada … read more