Gender Equality is Critical to Reducing Gender-Based Violence

Gender-based violence (GBV) violates fundamental human rights and is a major barrier to achieving gender equality. During times of crisis and emergency, multiple risk factors increase the prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV) and exacerbate existing gender inequalities. These kinds of emergency situations can significantly weaken a society’s ability to protect women and girls.

Changing Lives, No Strings Attached

ADRA believes in serving humanity so all may live as God intended. The “all” encompasses anyone in need, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs, political affiliations, or other considerations.   As a faith-based organization, ADRA’s presence in some communities raises understandable skepticism. The Muslim villages in Mandera West, Kenya, had their reservations when ADRA first offered … read more

“We are Their Helping Hand”

Imagine working as one of eight medical staff, serving a population of over 23,000, many of whom live in far-flung, hard-to-reach places.

On the Frontlines of Community Health

Imagine you’re a healthcare provider serving a broad region. Many of the communities in your region are far-flung and hard to reach. To further complicate matters, many of the community members lack the transportation or funds to make the long trek to your door for care … read more

Health Data Informs More Effective Health Actions

Marife Relos is very involved in the coastal barangay of Penitan in Siruma, Camarines Sur, in the Philippines. At 50, she is nowhere near slowing down. Not only is she a barangay health … read more

Unlikely Partnership Saves Lives

Kaov Norm lives in Tomlob village in the remote north of Cambodia. As a traditional birth attendant, she was one of the first people to take advantage of ADRA Cambodia’s invitation to adopt a new role, that of a partnership between traditional birth attendants and midwives. Through this partnership, babies would be delivered … read more

Crisis in East Africa

As military violence and civil conflict have broken out in Sudan, several surrounding eastern and north-eastern African nations are feeling the strain. Not only are refugees pouring into Egypt, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Central African Republic among others, but many of these nations are struggling to support these newly displaced people while … read more

TOGETHER, We Protect Women and Children

Your unflagging support of ADRA’s mission is reaching the vulnerable around the world with provision and protection. Thank you, dear Angel, for protecting the vulnerable today and ensuring a safer tomorrow! Who are the vulnerable? They are those who can’t shield themselves from harm or exploitation. Most often, they are women and children. … read more

Supporting Ukrainians in the Long Term

This month, we received testimonials from several women in Ukraine. ADRA’s LEAP (Lifesaving Evacuation, Assistance and Protection) project has been addressing some of the longer-term effects of the war, especially when it comes to mental health and psycho-social support. You have helped us connect Ukrainians with qualified mental health professionals. There are women like … read more